Chevy 350 Specs Engine 2024 ❤️

Chevy 350 Specs Engine 2024 ❤️

Chevy 350 Specs Engine

Its Chevy 350 motor, A classic small-block V8, has become an integral part of the world of automobiles. Here Are the general specifications for The traditional Chevy 350 engine:

Displacement5.7 Liters (350 cubic inches)
Bore4.00 inches
Stroke3.48 inches
Horsepower145 to 370 hpIt varies based on the time of the year and the configuration
Torque250 to 400 lb-ftVariable based on the the year and the configuration
The compression ratio8.0:1 to 10.25:1
Block materialCast iron
Cylinder headsCast iron or aluminum
CamshaftMechanical or hydraulic
CarburetionFour-barrel, two-barrel
Capacity for oil using filter4-6 quartsVariable based on the the year and the configuration
Type of engine oilSAE 5W-30 or 10W-30Check the owner’s guide for specific suggestions
Oil filter typeIt varies based on the time of the year and the configurationCheck the owner’s manual to find specific part numbers
Oil change cost$30-$100It depends on the type of oil as well as the cost of filtering, and the possibility of doing the work yourself or take it to a store


This Chevy 350 engine is a 5.7-liter tiny block engine that has been A common feature in the auto industry for years.

Based on the year, model, And maker of the vehicle the horsepower ranges from around 140 to 350, and has an output of torque that could reach 350 lbs.

The engine is known for its longevity And quiet operation. It also has excellent efficiency And is extensively used in A variety of Chevrolet automobiles.

It’s A preferred option for avid drivers due to its ability to be modified and support from aftermarket. I appreciate your time in delving into the specs for this Chevy 350 engine!

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